Life is a Ceremony

Co-create with me to remember the magnificence of your soul. You are an infinite and eternal soul embodied in this beautiful physical vessel which is a highly advanced spiritual technology. We are here to have the most amazing human experience while learning to embody more and more of our divinity.

Work with Ariel

We are here to embody the magnificence of our soul!

Stay connected with me to receive inspirations, life musings & VIP specials

Aloha beautiful soul!


Here is a little bit about me  ➝

Throughout my career, I have worn many hats. 

After graduating with a BA in Economics and Finance, I went on to work at one of the biggest banks in Asia as a Futures and Equities broker. The money was amazing and I have learnt so much about how financial markets and collective human psychology work, but I found it unfulfilling and extremely detrimental to my holistic health. So I took 3 years off to focus on my wellbeing and soul-searching. I then started teaching yoga part-time in 2009 and went back to school for a MA in Public Relationships and Advertising. I excelled in this area of study but working crazy hours in a high-stress industry was not what I want for life. 

As a soul that deeply desired joy, travel and freedom, I chose to be a over-qualified flight attendant after a brief stunt in the PR industry. It was then a fun 18-month in the aviation industry and I have learnt so much about the importance of effective systems, coordination, people skills, resourcefulness etc that I could then bring into my role as a CEO of a restaurant start-up chain.

And after spending 2.5 years successfully putting the company on a good track, I stepped down and focused on running the yoga studio that I co-founded and teaching yoga, leading yoga teacher trainings and providing wellness services full-time.

In 2020, my galactic missions on Earth were activated and I was divinely guided to focus on mentoring, gridworking, Quantum Alchemy and Sacred Entrepreneurship to support humanity's ascension and evolution with Gaia.

Now this is my life and my mission to build a new Golden Age with other awakened souls for all beings to thrive.

Cosmic Remembrance

Mount Shasta Retreat | Jun 1-6, 2024

with Ariel Tang & Nicola Wong

More Information

Work with Ariel

Here are a few ways for us to co-create magic!

1-1 Quantum Alchemy/Consultation

This is a two-hour session where you can ask me anything - it is all about YOU!

People came to me for spiritual coaching, freedom lifestyle consultation, gridwork, energetic alignment, astrocartography etc

But if you come with an intention to experience deep healing and gain precise clarity to whatever situation that brings you here, this will be a potent alchemical session.

When we work in the quantum which is beyond time and space, deep healing, shifts and transformation can happen very fast and beyond our logical linear mind. 

Book Now

5-Week Soul Empowerment Program

This is a private five-week program to help you learn more about and embody your unique magnificent self.

  • Quantum Surgeries
  • Activations
  • Unlock your Soul Gifts
  • Timelines Consultation
  • Akashic Records Reading
  • Ancestral Clearing
  • Soul & Star family Connection
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Life teachings
  • Numerology/Human Design/Astrology/Gene Keys
Discovery Call

Metamorphosis - Premium 1-1 Mentorship

This is a premium five-month private mentorship with me for those who are ready to completely transform their lives! This is not for anyone who just want to "feel better" or looking for a quick fix.

My superpower lies in precise deep alchemical work combined with grounded aligned actions and practical wisdom - which will help you quantum shift your life in ways that are beyond logic. Not only you will have private coaching calls with me but also 24/7 access via Telegram. Due to my schedule, I have limited availability at the moment. Book a discovery call with me and we will explore the most aligned options & timelines for us working together. 

Discovery Call

Freedom Business Partnership

Dear visionary leader and sacred entrepreneur of the New Earth, it will be my honor and pleasure to co-create a new paradigm of business, wealth, health, fulfilment and freedom with you! This is a discovery call for you to learn more about the abundant business models and potential for businesses that support humanity's embodied ascension and evolution - LumiVitae (hydrogen technology) & Healy (quantum frequency devices), so you can see for yourself if they are in alignment with your flow right now.

Should you decide to partner with me, you will be supported and mentored by me, my team and our community and have a lot of fun together!

Discovery Call

Free Channeled Transmissions

View all free resources 



 To start, I can say that choosing to take part of Ariel's Thrive as a Unicorn program was one of the best decisions I made. Nowadays plenty of coaches and programs, it could be confusing whom to choose to work with, and I would say that if you landed here there is a reason.

I am so glad I chose to work with Ariel. Ariel is very knowledgeable and definitely can pinpoint and focus on the area that you need the most to work on. She is a great listener and what I love the most is that working with her in this program enables you to look deep within yourself and work on those aspects which need tending and care.

The course materials are very well put together and are a great guide, distilling wisdom around how to live a more conscious, sovereign and fulfilled life. And what is great you can always come back to them if you need a reminder about some aspects ;).

This program was the nudge I needed to get me to start bringing to life my goals and ideas in a more conscious, intentional, and courageous way. I can definitely recommend it further if you are on your self-improvement and inner work journey.

Co-creating with Ariel is really a pleasure ❤️


I have been co-creating with Ariel in the Free and Abundant Collective for more than a year, she always comes up with a higher perspective on looking at things.

She is open-minded yet influential in her own wisdom. She is loving and supportive of everyone in her team.

Working with Ariel is a great honour. Her commitment and passion in her personal ascension journey and supporting humanity to higher consciousness is witnessed. Thank you for showing up fully as a New Earth Leader.


Ariel has been my inspiration since the day I met her in 2016. Our co-creation grew even stronger in 2022 when Healy brought us together again, united by a shared mission to support humanity's ascension.

As my mentor in both ascension and business, Ariel has provided unwavering support throughout my spiritual and professional growth. I've had the privilege of working with her privately and within her group coaching programs.

Ariel's ability to inspire me through thought-provoking questions and encourage exploration of my own potential and possibilities has been invaluable.

Her presence exudes a radiant, loving energy that nourishes my soul. One aspect of Ariel that I deeply appreciate is her commitment to her own inner work and personal ascension. She generously shares her wisdom and insights with her community.

Working with her has been an honour and a pleasure. I wholeheartedly recommend Ariel to anyone dedicated to their soul journey and committed to serving the collective ascension. Co-creating with her will never disappoint you!

Ariel's Stargate Portal to the Golden Age

Welcome to Ariel’s Stargate Portal Podcast! I’m so happy and honored to connect with you in this format. In this podcast series, I would be sharing a lot from my own personal stories, experiences and exploration on my life journey, galactic cosmic downloads and everything in between to inspire, empower and support you as we collectively move towards our coming Golden Age. 

Stargate Portal Opening Soon!